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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Dr Lachlan Fraser

Virus testing list expands

Dr Lachlan Fraser, Marysville general practitioner, writes:

Those people who should be tested for coronavirus has expanded.

Testing for suspected coronavirus is now for any age who have respiratory illness or fever (>38 degrees),
• OR who have had contact with a person with coronavirus and have general aches or gastrointestinal symptoms,
• OR have no symptoms and are within a localised outbreak.

Most of our cases have come from overseas travellers, including cruise ships, with only a small number found in the community with no risk factors.

Expanded swabbing is to identify and control spread from within the community.

It is particularly important to have a diagnosis if there are people in the household who are still attending work, or if there are multiple people in the house.

Self-isolation by staying at home, away from fellow householders, is required for 10-14 days, depending on symptom duration. Health workers need two negative swabs to return to work.

We are aiming for zero or negligible community spread before the restrictions can start to be relaxed.

Victorians are doing very well, with the State of Emergency to be reassessed on May 11.

That’s only a few weeks away and if you keep busy each week passes quick enough.

Everyone needs to do their bit, for we are like The Whos trying to save our world. Consult that great doctor, Dr. Seuss, who penned Horton Hears a Who.

Dr. Lachlan Fraser, Marysville