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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

14 in ute, driver blows .07

Greensborough Highway Patrol had their hands full n Montmorency after pulling over a five seater ute tonight (Fri.).

The Ford F350 was observed on Para Rd about 7.45pm with a few people in the rear tray of the ute.

The vehicle was intercepted on Hoban Ave and the occupants started to pile out.

In total 18 males were in the ute and the driver returned an evidentiary breath test of 0.071.

The vehicle has been impounded and the driver, a 46-year-old Montmorency man, will be charged on summons with drink driving and other driving related offences.

The intercept was part of the state-wide Operation Roadwise, which sees police out in force to target drink and drug driving, speed, distraction, fatigue and failure to wear restraints.

Operation Roadwise will run until January 6, and will focus on enforcement and improving driver behaviour.

Police will be out in force to target the five leading causes of death and serious injury on our roads – speed, impairment, distraction, not wearing seatbelts and fatigue.